
“极力推荐林文佩这一系列的三册绘本,因为文佩以浅显易懂又有童趣的文字,为孩童讲述成长过程遇挫和创伤后的疗愈故事。又能在淳朴简洁的绘图风格中,展现童书图文结合的感染力,有助于孩童语文和审美能力的培养。附在书后的故事概要和家长导读都写得很到 位,为家长和教师提供了很有帮助的指引,值得一赞!”
This series of three-volume picture books by Lin Wenpei is highly recommended because Wenpei uses plain and childlike words to tell children stories of recovery from setbacks during their growth.
Through a simple and minimalistic drawing style, the series also demonstrate the combined power of pictures and words within children’s books that aids the development of children’s linguistic and aesthetic abilities. The “Sypnosis” and “Parents’ Guide” at the back of the book are well-written and provide helpful guidance for parents and teachers, which are worthy of praise!
-蔡志礼博士 资深文化艺术与语文教育学者
Dr Chua Chee Lay experienced scholar in culture, art and language education
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